General Book Search for "9781473634428"

Generation Next: The Takeover

Author : OLI WHITE
Published : Thursday 6 April 2017
ISBN : 9781473634428
Price : €14.99


The sequel to YouTube sensation Oli White's bestselling debut GENERATION NEXT.

The thrilling sequel to YouTube sensation Oli White's bestselling, smash-hit debut GENERATION NEXT. School has finished for good, and Jack and his friends - Ella, Austin, Ava and Sai - are giving their online social media platform, Generation Next, the ultimate relaunch: a stage takeover at the world's biggest music festival. When you're interviewing famous stars and streaming the footage all over the globe, what could possibly go wrong? The takeover is the gang's most epic task yet, and when they meet TV producer Ethan, he seems like the perfect person to help out. Everyone loves Ethan: he's smart, talented and a natural addition to the group. But Jack isn't so sure. Ethan seems to be hiding something... and why can't the rest of GenNext see it? If Jack isn't careful, his dreams for Generation Next - and his relationships with Ella and his closest friends - could be about to go up in smoke...

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